woensdag 19 april 2017

Travel is not the road, it's a mindset

I'm officially the worst blogger ever...
I set out to write every month... I ended up writing whenever I actually thought of it...

So... Here is the deal...
Here is my wisdom... It's not a lot, but it's something...

Travelling is addictive... Whilst driving through 12.000 km of Australia (NSW, VIC, SA, NT & WA) I realized that I don't care... About what people think of me... Of the way I live... The way I love...
I've never seen so much desolation, so much hatred and still people so close together as here...

People who hate the aboriginals... People who can't stand their liquour, including the aboriginals... And finally, people I love to meet over and over again...

Whilst meeting all these people, I've heard a lot of opinions... And I keep standing by the same point over and over again...
Hatred is bullshit... Race is bullshit... The amount of money you have on your bank account doesn't hold you back from anything... It's your mindset... Anyone who travels will tell you the same...

So I turned 26 years this March... And the last thing I thought was seeing my parents before I would get back to Belgium...
But suddenly, they're in front of me... Thanks to planning from my sister, wich I still blame her and I will get her back for that one...
And the only thing people keep asking me is, is it real? You should've known...

Honestly... I already put my head in not seeing them for that amount of time... Even longer... So no, I didn't focus on it... I didn't know... And although I've seen them and had a great time with them... It made things a lot harder for me...

This trip has taught me that it's good to have someone to rely on... And those people are worth keeping around.... As  long as you treat them right and you keep them close to you... Don't use them... Favors and debts are a mindset you can use.... Money is just another way to pay off those debts or favors...

My girlfriend, with who I am 8 months together now, is the first one of a kind... She has shown me a lot... As I hope I've learned her a lot... I'm in great debt with her... For a lot more than you'd think... Thanks to her I was able to keep on going through with this... Everything....

My thoughts of my friends at home... I miss them... every single day... But it's not that easy... I can't keep pushing them to have contact with me, I have a different life here...
Ellen, I miss you... Every day... Even doing your dreads and stabbing myself over and over again would be a pleasure just to hug you for a couple of hours...
Gunar, I know I'm a dick for leaving you, but I needed to... Hope you understand...
Leo... By the time we see each other, you will have grown in a lot of ways... I hope you can forgive me...

As I hope everyone can and understands my point of view...
I don't want to lose anyone... But I understand that's the price of travelling.